Stranger Things Fans Are Escaping From Hawkins Indiana Across the World

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With no known marketing plan for Netflix’s hit series“Stranger Things,” Actor David Harbour felt the series was going to be a bomb once it was placed on the streaming service in 2016. He even had a friend who had told Harbour it appeared that Netflix was, “burying” the show, along with his role as Hawkins Sheriff Jim Hopper.

“I thought it would be a disaster, I really did,” said Harbour during an interview with 6 ABC. 

That disaster is now in its third season, and its third season has broken world streaming records with close to 40 million households viewing “Stranger Things 3” since its release on Jul. 4. 

Stranger Things has become an icon to a progressing digital world, where streaming television shows and movies is making media consumers shelf cable services. 

Stranger Things has had an effect on pop-culture outside of television world, with growing merchandise, and escape rooms.

It appears that many escape rooms have used the show’s sci-fi elements to create challenging, and perhaps frightening rooms to escape from. 

They’re not just in the United States, but in other countries like South Korea, where the city of Seoul can connect you thousands of miles away in Indiana. The escape room was a pop-up room, where guests could get the experience of being in a makeshift Hawkins with the inclusion of the Byer’s House, The Hawkins Arcade, and the town’s laboratory in its set up.

Heading back to the United States, the public library of Austin, TX is giving Stranger Things fans the chance to escape the forces of the upside-down in, “Return Of The Demagorgon.” 

So many fans want the chance to experience an escape room based on their favorite Netflix series, that all of the bookings are sold out! With less than a month left before the room closes, you have to try to squeeze your way into a booking time by joining a waiting list.

A new gate to the Upside Down has opened in the AV Club room at Hawkins Middle School and Mike, Dustin, Eleven, and the crew are nowhere to be found,” according to the room’s description. Now it’s up to you and your fellow AV Club members to follow the clues they left behind to close the gate and stop the Demogorgon before it’s too late.”

With the idea of our heroes in Stranger Things in need to solve puzzles, it makes sense for escape room businesses to follow suit and team up with the elements of this pop-culture phenomenon. 

It also appears that pop-culture trends can help escape room business grow because they provide unique perspectives on trends that people will be eager to engage with. 

Is there a favorite escape room theme of yours that’s based off of a popular trend? Let us know, we’d love to hear from you!

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